Things you will get to know about me: I love puns. Even -- and maybe especially -- the ones that make you groan. So I love the title of the blog here on our website. Also, I love it because for me, it expands upon my vision of the Strand. The Strand is a collection of people, of stories woven together. It is very important to me that as we work to celebrate women's diverse voices and perspectives, we also support the voices and perspectives of others who are traditionally under-represented on the American Stage. The quote that reverberates through my head is this:
America is woven of many strands. I would recognise them and let it so remain. Our fate is to become one, and yet many. This is not prophecy, but description. - Ralph Ellison As such, this blog will frequently become a place to share the voices of others as I link to articles written by others on issues close to our art and our mission. I hope you enjoy them. I'll probably reference them when we chat in person. Best, elissa