2010-2011 Season
The Glory of Living by Rebecca Gilman

A Peppermint Patty Christmas by Kate Bishop

The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion

One Flea Spare by Naomi Wallace

Hilarious and deeply moving by turns, One Flea Spare is set in plague-ravaged 17th Century London where social roles and the boundaries that describe them have been set into chaos. The definition of morality is up for grabs. History is being tantalized. And whilst the wealthy William Snelgrave dreams of sweating, swearing tars, and of how sailors satisfy their "baser instincts" so far away from female company, his own wife, untouched for 40 years, is discovering that her dreadfully burned body may not be numb after all. The human heart craves comfort, contact, tenderness; survival may take many forms.